API Integration & Deployment

The Syncloop environment offers hundreds of plugins to produce a Minimum Viable Product, which is a beta version of the API made on the platform and ready for testing. By using the built-in CI/CD, APIs may be rapidly prototyped and made live in just few minutes.


API Monitoring & Production Management

Syncloop offers advanced monitoring and analytics functions for a variety of data visualisations, including latency, client visits, API access, and much more. To ensure API adoption, the Syncloop Low-Code API Development platform provides APIs for scaling the business and developing valuable partnerships. It also offers customers a variety of services for purchasing, assembling, and customising API to meet their specific needs.


API Testing

The Syncloop platform provides numerous interfaces for testing the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of newly created APIs and their integration. The business logic layer of the API's software architecture is the primary focus of the testing. The API is tested using various tools, and a dummy self-code is also written to further test the APIs.


API Access Management

Syncloop has carefully thought through and prepared API authorization policies depending on the application, user context, and group membership to ensure that only authorized users have access. The ekaAPI platform makes sure that even when the service is busy, API requests can still be processed and are authenticated, approved, validated, and cleaned.
