This video tutorial demonstrates hands-on training on the Syncloop API Development Platform by creating a simple web service that displays "Hello World".
Weather API
This video tutorial demonstrates how an external Weather API is consumed on the Syncloop API Development platform. The said API provides weather information based on geographical coordinates.
Crypto Converter API
This video tutorial demonstrates how an external Crypto API is consumed on the Syncloop API Development platform. The said API provides information regarding the current conversion rates between two currencies.
This video tutorial demonstrates the implementation of conditional logic using a switch statement to provide the given country's capital on the Syncloop API Development Platform.
Looping Logic
This video tutorial demonstrates the implementation of looping logic to provide multiple country-capital on the Syncloop API Development Platform.
Exception Handling
This video will demonstrate the handling of exceptions in the Flow Service and also sending of custom objects and customer information with exceptions.
Communicate with SFTP SSH
This video tutorial demonstrates how to remotely communicate with Secure File Transfer Protocol and SSH. Here one EC2 user instance is used to get files from the directory using the proper authentication mechanism.
Return Custom HTTP Status Codes & Headers
This video will demonstrate the sending of custom HTTP Status Codes and Headers from a Flow Service for getting an appropriate response.